Saturday, February 4, 2012

Can't Help Falling In Love

Elvis Presley

Ron Paul 2012: Defeat the Elites!

By Jim O'Neill | Constitutional Writes
“The increasing complexity and precariousness of our economic life have forced Government to take over many spheres of activity once left to choice or chance. Our intellectuals have surrendered first to the slave-philosophy of Hegel, then to Marx, finally to the linguistic analysts. As a result, classical political theory, with its Stoic, Christian, and juristic key-conceptions (natural law, the value of the individual, the rights of man), has died. The modern State exists not to protect our rights but to do us good or make us good—anyway, to do something to us or to make us something. …We are less their subjects than their wards, pupils, or domestic animals. There is nothing left of which we can say to them, “Mind your own business.” Our whole lives are their business.”
C.S. Lewis (1898-1963)

“How do you kill 11 million people? You lie.”

Andy Andrews “How Do You Kill 11 Million People?”

Andy Andrews is referring to the approximately 11 million people killed in Hitler’s death camps. As he mentions in his book he could just as easily have added the many millions more who died under Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao and the like. All those leaders lied to their people, and the people believed those lies and died. “We the people” have been, and are being, lied to as well — whether or not we will die as the result of our naïveté and gullibility remains to be seen.
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Friday, February 3, 2012

one of my all-time favorites - Keith Jarrett Köln Concert Part IIc “Memories of Tomorrow"

Keith Jarrett Köln Concert Part IIc “Memories of Tomorrow”, January 24, 1975

Less than One-Fifth of All Americans Favor Military or Covert Action Against Iran …

Washington's Blog

Less than Half of Israelis Want to Attack Iran, and 65% Want the Entire Middle East – Including Israel – to be a Nuclear-Free Zone

While the same neoconservatives who pushed the Iraq war are now loudly beating the drums of war against Iran, neither the American or Israeli people want war.

A new United Technologies/National Journal “Congressional Connection Poll,” finds that only 13% Americans think the U.S. should “take covert action against Iran such as sabotage and assassination of scientists working on their nuclear program”.

Only 17% support “tak[ing] military action against Iran, including bombing weapons facilities inside the country.”

And most Israelis are against war with Iran as well.

As University of Maryland professor of government, and senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, Shibley Telhami and director of the Program on International Policy Attitudes, Steven Kull, note in the New York Times:

Despite all the talk of an “existential threat,” less than half of Israelis support a strike on Iran. According to our November poll (.pdf), carried out in cooperation with the Dahaf Institute in Israel, only 43 percent of Israeli Jews support a military strike on Iran — even though 90 percent of them think that Iran will eventually acquire nuclear weapons.

Most important, when asked whether it would be better for both Israel and Iran to have the bomb, or for neither to have it, 65 percent of Israeli Jews said neither. And a remarkable 64 percent favored the idea of a nuclear-free zone, even when it was explained that this would mean Israel giving up its nuclear weapons.

The Israeli public also seems willing to move away from a secretive nuclear policy toward greater openness about Israel’s nuclear facilities. Sixty percent of respondents favored “a system of full international inspections” of all nuclear facilities, including Israel’s and Iran’s, as a step toward regional disarmament.

Given that the elites who profit from war will do their best to try to pretend we must attack Iran to protect ourselves, we must all be wary of a false flag attack against Iran. Indeed, it almost seems as if some have already hinted in that direction.

Why of course the people don’t want war … But after all it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship … Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.
—Nazi leader Hermann Goering

Thursday, February 2, 2012

27 of 35 Bush Articles of Impeachment Apply to Obama

February 2, 2012 | Washington's Blog
By leading anti-war activist David Swanson, author of Day Break and War Is A Lie, who runs the websites and (formerly

When Congressman Dennis Kucinich introduced 35 articles of impeachment against President George W. Bush on June 9, 2008, the 35 had been selected from drafts of nearly twice that many articles.

President Obama has accumulated his own massive list of high crimes and misdemeanors that were unavailable for Bush’s list (thing’s like openly murdering U.S. citizens, launching massive drone wars, selectively and abusively prosecuting numerous whistleblowers as spies, holding Bradley Manning naked in isolation, attacking Libya without so much as bothering to lie to Congress, etc.).

Nonetheless, it is instructive to review the 35 Bush articles in the Obama age.  It quickly becomes apparent that Obama has either exactly duplicated or closely paralleled most of the 35.  Here’s what I mean:
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Sen Mike Lee - Obama Consumer Bureau A Maneuver Reserved For Despots CNSnews Testifying before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform on Tuesday, Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) said that the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which is funded directly by the Federal Reserve with no congressional oversight and to which President Barack Obama appointed a director without seeking the Senate confirmation required by the U.S. Constitution, represents the sort of unaccountable system of government “historically reserved for despots.”

Lee said, “Because this position is embedded within the Federal Reserve, because the Federal Reserve bank is not in a sense, in a literal sense, in a traditional sense, a government agency but rather a private for-profit corporation, it’s not an entity that Congress controls in the sense of controlling its purse strings. That is a significant concern.”

Committee Chair Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) followed up on the unique funding of the CFPB: “So you had no other way to ask for reform, consideration or anything else other than this confirmation. It was an unusual situation in which one of the ordinary powers of the House and the Senate is to ‘not fund’ something that a previous Congress has chosen to do, but in the case of the CFPB that is not the case, is that correct?”

“That is correct and in that respect it enjoys an unusual degree of insulation from the normal controls on any government and that degree of insulation has historically been reserved for despots,” Lee replied.

“Good word,” Issa responded.

The committee met Wednesday to examine the legal and policy implications of President Obama's recess appointments to the CFPB and the National Labor Relations Board.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Corbett Report Radio 061 – World Government and You

From “R2P” to “Peacekeeping” to “global governance,” the globalists love to dress up their worldwide tyranny as something good. But under the veneer is all manner of debauchery, atrocities and the specter of total dictatorship. Join us tonight as we explore the global government agenda and those who are promoting it.

A few faith hashtags

use 'em often

Massive U.S. Military Buildup Reported Around Iran; Up to 100,000 Troops Ready By March

image: Debka
Mac Slavo |
From: @LaydiHD
While President Obama’s supporters hailed his withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq as the end of the war in the middle east, behind the scenes the Pentagon has been quietly massing troops and armaments on two islands located just south of the Strait of Hormuz, and within easy striking distance of Iran.

Michael Savage Interviews Allen West

The Interview Aired on January 30, 2012

Monday, January 30, 2012

Trust is a Commodity in Short Supply

The one you can trust this time around...

Capitalism vs. Socialism - The Real Story

By Ray Peach

On January 11th 2012, Stuart Varney from the Fox Business Network defended Mitt Romney’s career at Bain Capital in a report called Capitalism vs. Socialism. However, when Texas Governor Rick Perry claimed that Obama was a socialist, the Socialist Party USA claimed that Obama wasn’t a socialist at all saying,
“Socialists know what Obama is: another corporate funded politician placed in the White House to protect the wealth and status of the 1 percent.”
Others deny Obama is a socialist by quoting the dictionary definition, and then asserting he doesn’t meet that definition. In another twist, the GOP strategist Frank Luntz attacks Capitalism saying,
“[The] use of the term ‘Capitalism’ is not healthy to conservatives and the term should be removed from the Republicans’ vocabulary.”
So the question is: who is right? This is the first in a series of articles, which will answer that question. To understand that answer, we will begin with the first known example of socialism – and it’s earlier than you may think.
Part 1: Capitalism vs. Socialism - The Real Story
Part 2: The Rise of Christianity
Part 3: The Rise of Socialism

h/t Right Side News

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Carrie Underwood with Vince Gill "How Great thou Art"


Property CBS - Dick Clark Productions
Can I get an #Amen?

Beyond SOPA: The Past, Present and Future of Internet Censorship

James Corbett | Corbett Report 29 January, 2012
When legislators in the US abandoned their support of SOPA and PIPA in the wake of mass popular protest earlier this month, many of those who had been mobilized by the legislation–which would have granted the US government almost total power to block access to foreign websites accused of so much as linking to copyrighted material–did not have long to enjoy their “victory.” The very next day the New Zealand police swooped in to the million-dollar estate of founder Kim Dotcom, arresting him and three others at the US government’s request for alleged racketeering, copyright infringement and money laundering. The Department of Justice is now seeking the MegaUpload CEO’s extradition to the US.