Monday, January 30, 2012

Capitalism vs. Socialism - The Real Story

By Ray Peach

On January 11th 2012, Stuart Varney from the Fox Business Network defended Mitt Romney’s career at Bain Capital in a report called Capitalism vs. Socialism. However, when Texas Governor Rick Perry claimed that Obama was a socialist, the Socialist Party USA claimed that Obama wasn’t a socialist at all saying,
“Socialists know what Obama is: another corporate funded politician placed in the White House to protect the wealth and status of the 1 percent.”
Others deny Obama is a socialist by quoting the dictionary definition, and then asserting he doesn’t meet that definition. In another twist, the GOP strategist Frank Luntz attacks Capitalism saying,
“[The] use of the term ‘Capitalism’ is not healthy to conservatives and the term should be removed from the Republicans’ vocabulary.”
So the question is: who is right? This is the first in a series of articles, which will answer that question. To understand that answer, we will begin with the first known example of socialism – and it’s earlier than you may think.
Part 1: Capitalism vs. Socialism - The Real Story
Part 2: The Rise of Christianity
Part 3: The Rise of Socialism

h/t Right Side News