Saturday, March 3, 2012

We Are One Body

As Christians we are one body [the church] and we are to be "The Bride of Christ" (Rev 9-11). In order to understand the meaning of this truth it is necessary to observe it within the context of the Jewish wedding, relative to time of Christ (circa 30-100AD — please read Matt 22; Matt 25; Rev. 19; Rev. 21; Luke 12:36.

In order to function as such [the body of Christ, the church, the bride of Christ], it is necessary that all parts should work together. The hands and the feet of a body are controlled by impulses from the brain -- they either function correctly or they don't. In the case of the body [of Christ], the controlling mechanism is Christ and the Holy Spirit, also One with God the Father, YHVH (John 17:21).

Amidst the squabbles, the differences in theology, the variations in interpretation of the bible, etc., if we are one body then our head is Christ.  
For the wisdom of this world is folly with God. For it is written, “He catches the wise in their craftiness” (1 Cor 3:19)

So, what this means is that, each of us have not only been "fearfully and wonderfully made" (Psalm 139:14), but we each make up a distinct part of the body of Christ. As God designed you, He definitely has a role for you within the body of believers. Just as God gave each of us the right to choose whether or not we even believe in Him, He simultaneously requires us to take certain actions in order to fully achieve the potential we were each designed for.

As has been seen in recent events, various parts of the body have become more vocal concerning topics which have gone unmentioned for decades. This is, no doubt, a result of a "Spiritual Awakening" from a long sleep. As we, as individuals, become more aware of the deceptions that have been purpetrated against God's will, and our individual consciences, it behooves us to seek answers to these newly-aroused questions. Again, it is Christ who is the head of the body and therefore Christ is where we must go to seek truth. The answers are there, but we must seek them solely from Him.

Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty< Michael W. Smith