Saturday, March 17, 2012

The desperate offensive by the Left against the freedoms of "Citizens United"


Election Law Center

A frenzy of shared talking points to limit the political speech of others with the short term goal being a self-reversal of the Supreme Court as the quickest route to that end. Of course, the goal is pushed by the mainstream media.  Perhaps, Karl Rove is onto something. A taste of recent headlines:

How Can We Defeat 'Citizens United'? - the Nation

Citizens United flooding Americans with Negativity - Al Hunt

Citizens United in Need of Reversal - AZ Daily Sun

Why Citizens United is a Trojan horse for the GOP - AJC

Citizens United Decision Could Lead to Foreign Interests Influencing US Elections - Huffington Post

Citizens United means Citizens Denied - Newark Advocate

And of course, the New York Times - Unions urge curtailment of SuperPACs.