Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Ron Paul on the Tonight Show...


Being a follower of a winner always has a much more exciting and encouraging vibe associated with it than following a person or a principle in a minority group. Dr. Ron Paul has been someone that our staff at have followed consistently for a number of years, and have supported all along. Seeing him rise in the polls and his message go VIRAL in the past short while has been extremely encouraging and something we've anticipated for the sake of America. His analysis of the problems with big government, the Federal Reserve, entitlement society, and our over-extended empire smashes all preconceived notions of what is good for the nation; he points out the diseases for the problems and not just the symptoms. We believe that the momentum that he's accumulating in Iowa can potentially be a major turning point for his campaign and can really become the launching pad to get in the faces of the American voters. Americans are looking for real change and when they hear a man ACTUALLY know what he is talking about, there is a sense of confidence and security that there is true change that they can believe in and not just "hope" of some fairytale society that will not sustain itself. People who follow Ron Paul are strong supporters of him and truly love his message.

Attacking a man that has stuck to his beliefs and has been 100% right on the economy will not go on too long in the mainstream media the more Americans begin to back Ron Paul.

Ron Paul's appearance on the Tonight Show:

"We endorse the idea of voluntarism, self-responsibility, family, friends, and churches to solve problems, rather than saying that some monolithic government is going to make you take care of yourself and be a better person. It's a preposterous notion, it never worked, it never will. The government can't make you a better person, it can't make you follow good habits. Why don't they put you on a diet; you're a little overweight, and I think you need government help!"
—Ron Paul
Opt-out of conventional wisdom!!!