Monday, August 26, 2013

Larry Grathwohl disturbing interview about William Ayers... Barack Obama's Mentor

Hat Tip @kitgainer2002

This video shows an interview of Larry Grathwohl who was an FBI agent assigned to investigate the Weather Underground. William Ayers is the founder of the Weather Underground. This man is speaking about William Ayers. It was in William Ayers' livingroom that Barack Obama launched his political career.

In 1969, Weather Underground founders Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn (who were to become Pres. Obama's personal friends and associates for many years) put Charles Manson on the cover of their occasional newspaper, "Fire". At what was billed as a "War Council" in Flint Michigan that same year, Ayers and his comrades took to greeting eachother with "the fork" - three fingers pointed upwards, in honor of Manson. (Google Dohrn's Flint conference quote on Manson - and Sharon Tate, who was 8 1/2 months pregnant at the time.) In 1972 Ayers dedicated the WU's manifesto, "Prairie Fire", to his cultural and political heroes -- a list which included Sen. Robert Kennedy's assassin, Sirhan Sirhan.

Throughout their career as terrorist bombers, Ayers and Dohrn were constantly trying to break the Left free of its "bourgeois" commitment to any standard of justice or decency. By adopting Charles Manson as their own, by praising Manson as a hero of the counterculture, they hoped to smash the Left's "bourgeois" ties to civilization and thus spark similar acts of horrific "revolutionary" violence against innocent people.