Wednesday, October 26, 2011

We interrupt your regular programming...

In a culture world increasingly hostile to both the Christian and Jewish faiths, the recent global central planning concept, where "Such an authority should start with the United Nations as its reference point but later become independent and be endowed with the power to see to it that developed countries were not allowed to wield 'excessive power over the weaker countries.'" advocated by the Vatican on Monday (then MSM and its' own website articles pulled) raises red flags.

Source ZeroHedge Tue, 10/25/2011:
The Beginning Of The European Endgame

Reuters: UPDATE 2-Vatican urges economic reforms, condemns collective greed

We interrupt your regular programming [pun intended!] to bring you this important development in the fight against global central planning ... aka the NWO.

Alternative media coverage of the Vatican's call for global economic central planning has been pulled!!

On Monday, the world's oldest, largest and richest multinational corporation--the Vatican--released this globalist blockbuster: (links*: Reuters; Vatican Radio)

Vatican calls for global authority on economy, raps “idolatry of the market"
The Vatican called on Monday for the establishment of a “global public authority” and a “central world bank” torule over financial institutions that have become outdated and often ineffective in dealing fairly with crises.

The document from the Vatican’s Justice and Peace department should please the “Occupy Wall Street”demonstrators and similar movements around the world who have protested against the economic downturn.

Though this release was originally covered by HuffPost, Drudge and Infowars without comment (but not by ZH!?!), both Matt Drudge and "anti-globalist" Alex Jones have since pulled this important globalist story from their home pages!!

... And the HuffPost is no longer covering it on their home page either, or even under either Politics or Business, but has buried it under "Life & Style", sub-topic "Religion"!!!

*Note: Even Vatican Radio's original release (article #531752) has been pulled and replaced by this revised one (article #532223).

Vatican Calls for “Central World Bank”
See comments:
and this this and this