Thursday, September 8, 2011

Are Americans Ready for All-Out Civil War?

Right Side News
Wednesday, 07 September 2011 05:35
JB Williams

Hoffa's labor union pitch is reminiscent of spring of 1933, when Hitler's National Socialists moved to eliminate opposition political parties.  In practical terms, the word "socialist" in the name of the Nazi Party did not refer to the nationalization of the means of production but rather to requiring the economy to serve the interests of the state.
As the political left drives the U.S. economy towards the brink of no return and an increasing number of average Americans find themselves in desperate financial situations, crime is on the rise and social tensions are rocketing towards a historic level in the land of milk and honey. 

Yes, I am predicting the Second American Civil War, but only because the political left is working around the clock to incite outright socio-economic and race warfare in America.

Unlike any prior American administration, this one is intentionally destroying what’s left of America’s free-market prosperity and now they are openly calling for all-out war on all patriotic Americans. Obama’s civilian army is ready to roll in the streets of the U.S.A. and as labor union leader Jimmy Hoffa, Jr. put it at a Labor Day weekend rally, “Let’s take these son of a bitchs out!” – telling Barack Obama that “we (labor union members) are your army and we are ready to march.”

President Barack Obama proudly accepts Hoffa’s call for war against the 88% of Americans who do not belong to labor unions.

Days before, leaders of the Democratic Socialist Black Caucus called upon blacks to begin race wars against white Americans in the streets, and make runs on U.S. banks to cause even more economic chaos during the most tumultuous economic time since the Great Depression.

In Cincinnati Ohio, Vice President Joseph Biden spoke to the AFL-CIO referred to patriotic Americans as “barbarians at the gate” and called upon all union thugs to “stand up” against American taxpayers who have been Taxed Enough Already.

Biden claimed that “this is a fight for the heart and soul of the labor movement in America” – and that this is the time for all union thugs to stand a fight against their sworn enemy, the American taxpayer.
Never before in U.S. history has an administration taken such overt actions to create a class/race war in America, using the army they built out of minority groups, without whom, a Democrat Party would not even exist today.

Democrats operating under the Democratic Socialists of America groups, the Black Caucus and Progressive Caucus, led by the Obama administration, have seized total control of the Democrat Party, the White House, the federal legislature and the federal judiciary.