Saturday, August 13, 2011

Ramadan Bombathon Scorecard 2011 →

As Pamela Geller puts it:
The more we hear of Obama's submission to Islam at the Iftar dinner at the White House, the more monstrous it gets. I blogged on it here and here (the first war and the last war). The Obama presidency, lethal for America.
The idea of talking only of the Muslim who died on 911 or the Muslim first responder that died on 911 (if there were more, you'd have heard about it) is classic Islamic supremacism. Every death was an incalculable loss, every death an attack on this country.
I am so disgusted by the singling out of the few Muslims who were part of the attack. If Obama and the Islamic supremacist machine is so insistent on pointing that out, why not point out that, according to Islam, they died as martyrs in an act of jihad? Further, why is the motive behind these acts of war, jihad, prohibited from the national conversation or more specifically, this dinner?
This is sedition. This speech by the President of the United States in the wake of the single largest loss of life in one day by devout Muslims in the act of jihad is treason. And the death toll mounts daily. And it's all jihad. Our warrior dead are not even buried yet, and he is mourning the Muslim victim and first responder who died on 911.
Obama banned all press from taking pictures of their return except for a photo op for him.
Mr. Obama,

This is your "peaceful Islam." Ramadan.

If Ramadan is
the Islamic month of fasting, in which participating Muslims refrain from eating, drinking and sexual intimacy with their partners during daylight hours and is intended to teach Muslims about patience, spirituality, humility and submissiveness to God.[1] Muslims fast for the sake of God
Then why do we always see an acute acceleration in Islamicist killing of infidels at this time? Is it because domination at all costs is what Islam is really all about? See here here here here ... The list goes on and on....

British Islamist Anjem Choudary: They Give US Money, But We Attack Their System

British Islamist Anjem Choudary: Freedom and Democracy Are Idols That Must Be Destroyed and Replaced with Obedience to Allah
stop islam islamization islamisierung hartz 4 welfare islam4uk schmarotzer pierre vogel moslems europe europa jihad memri tv
At the beginning of Ramadan each year in Saudi Arabia, guest workers are warned that if they eat publicly during the month they will be arrested and subject to imprisonment and deportation.

Muslims in the West love to talk about the spiritual benefits they achieve from Ramadan. It brings them closer to God, they say, increases their Patience and gives them opportunity to focus their attention on matters of the spirit.

That could be true. Spirituality is incredibly subjective, and if someone says that going without food from dawn to dusk makes him or her a more spiritual person who am I to question?

What I find interesting, however, is that young Muslims living in Muslim societies overseas are questioning more and more the regulations that force them to follow particular religious practices whether they want to or not. A young Moroccan blogger named Kacem El Ghazzali, whose English blog can be seen here, posted an Arabic video on youtube in which he forcefully and eloquently argued that penalizing people for eating publicly during Ramadan is a violation of personal freedom and human rights. Not only does it violate the human rights of Muslims, he argues, but it represents an Islam that imposes itself upon Muslims and non-Muslims whether they want it or not. More than 200,000 Arab-speaking people have viewed his video.

I find this amazing. Had he posted the same video just a few years ago, he might have received only a few hits. But young Muslims are questioning as never before tenets of their religion that their ancestors accepted without argument for centuries. Why does anyone, they are asking, have the right to tell me that I cannot have a sandwich in public for an entire month? What right does anyone have to inform non-Muslim visitors they cannot eat in a restaurant because that might offend Muslims? Why do we belong to a religion that imposes itself upon others whether they want it or not?

Much of this questioning is beyond the radar of the Western media. You probably won't read an article in the Huffington Post about Kacem El Ghazzali's 200,000 hits for his "Let's All Eat in Ramadan" campaign. I would suggest, however, it is much more important than opeds you will read there by Western Muslims telling us how much closer they feel to God during the Holy and Blessed month of Ramadan. → Blessed Holy Ramadan