Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Weasel Zippers: Ground Zero Mosque Developer’s Ad on Muslim Website

“We are Trying to Build a Mosque That Holds 1,000 Worshippers Only 2 Blocks From Ground Zero”…

Now of course the Cordoba Initiative developers go to great lengths (and the left even further) not to call it a mosque…

In the video, Imam Faisal Rauf also flatly denies the controversial Ground Zero building will be a mosque. He says, "This is not a mosque.  It is a cultural center."

I have to then assume that everyone would be welcome to come inside, right?  Hey, why not change the focus.  Take the Muslim/Islamic aspects away altogether -- No Islamic references at all.  Just call it the Manhattan Community Center.  Everybody is welcome.  Or is that too much to ask?  Of course it is.  If it's not a mosque, why the Islamic connection?  Why does that even matter if it's just a "community center?"

(Weekly Standard)- Supporters of the “Ground Zero mosque” have been oddly obsessed with the idea that the proposed Islamic center shouldn’t be called a “mosque.” As Frank Rich wrote last Sunday in the New York Times: “It’s not a mosque but an Islamic cultural center containing a prayer room.”

But the website for the project, once called the “Cordoba House” and now known as “Park51,” explicitly refers to “the mosque,” although it tries to minimize the mosque’s importance for some reason